Pan Frying
Thin-Cut Steaks
Summary: I learned this method of searing thin-cut steaks from a fellow I met at Salt Springs named Dan. I was skeptical of the strategy at first: Can one really determine when a steak is a perfect medium doneness by when the red juice rises to the surface? Multiple trials have been run since then, and I must say, Mr. Dan had it right. This method is great for steaks of ½”- ¾” thickness.
1 – 2 steaks about ½” thickness
Salt & Pepper (+ any additional desired ingredients for dry-brining or marinating)
Olive Oil or Avocado Oil (for searing)
(optional) Butter
Racked sheet pan for dry-brining or a container for marinating
1 skillet or heavy-bottomed frying pan
1. Coat the steak(s) in salt, pepper, and any additional ingredient desired for dry-brining or marinating.
2. Let the steaks brine on a racked oven pan or rest in a chosen marinade for at least an hour. This can be extended to an overnight brining/marination.
3. Heat a skillet on high until it begins to smoke slightly.
4. Add cooking oil. I recommend avocado oil due to its high smoke point.
5. Gently lay steaks onto the pan, allowing them to sear on the first side for only 10 seconds before flipping.
6. After flipping the steaks, watch them for signs of red juice. This is not blood; it is a combination of myoglobin and water. After seeing this juice emerge, flip the steak.
7. On this side, wait until the red juice appears once more, and then remove the steak from the skillet.
8. (Optional) Place the hottest side of the steak upward and toss a small pat of butter atop it for it to melt in the residual heat as the steaks rest for 2 minutes.
9. Plate & enjoy! These types of steaks go exceptionally well with vinegar-based coleslaws and cucumber salads.