Hard-Baked Eggs
Summary: Boiling eggs is easy, but baking them is even easier. I enjoy these eggs thinly sliced ​​over salad or as a garnish in soup.
Muffin pan
Aluminum foil
Large bowl
12 eggs (do not wash)*
Water and ice
*I have found that washed eggs are not as easy to peel.
1. Preheat an oven to 325 F.
2. Line the muffin pan with aluminum foil, gently making small indentations over each hole.
3. Place an egg in each indentation.
4. Place the pan in the oven and cook for 25 minutes (room temperature eggs) or 30 minutes (refrigerated eggs). Note: Ovens vary. You may need to change the cooking time if you find that that the eggs need more or less baking.
5. While the eggs are cooking, fill a large bowl with water and ice.
6. After removing the eggs from the oven, use tongs to place them in the ice bath.
7. Allow the eggs to rest in the water for at least 5 minutes.
8. Store the eggs in the refrigerator and enjoy as desired.